Baby & Toddler Summer Travel Items

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Everyone is out and about during the summer whether that means traveling or just a disruptive summer routine.  Lots of activities,change of planes, eating out, and being in non-friendly baby/toddler locations. Being prepared ensures less stress and more fun for everyone involved.  I put together seven, I know strange amount but whatever, items that I have found to make summer and travel more enjoyable. Here is hoping that it does the same for you. 

{ONE} These Multi-purpose Canvas Travel Bags  are a great option to organize your purse or diaper bag. Since Anders is 2.5 yrs old and we have ditched bottles (although never really used them, EBF), baby blankets, wraps, etc. I have swapped out my diaper backpack for my regular purses and bags again. These canvas travel bags have been great and make it easy for me to switch a bag when needed.

>>>> I pack one with diapers, wipes and hand sanitizer.  We have also ditched the changing mat because Anders won't lay down when I change him anymore.

>>>> Second bag, I pack a change of clothes for accidents, playing in the mud or when he gets wet. Recently I have realized that I almost need to travel around with a swim diaper {SEVEN} in our bag. For summer I have added our most favorite swim diaper to this second bag, the Beau and Belle Little's Reusable Swim Diaper. We bought this one when Anders was 4 months old and it still fits him today at 2.5 years old. That is because it has small snaps all over the diaper to adjust and grow with your kiddo. I don't know how we managed to not a have poop in the pool up until now but we have and it held in everything! Only swim diaper you need.

>>>> Third bag, is for snacks that won't spoil typically we have raisins, goldfish, applesauce, pretzels, etc. We also find that bringing this Toddler Utensils Travel Pack {SIX} makes eating at restaurants much easier now. Before, we would just ask for a small spoon but now Anders is much more independent and likes to have his own silverware. These work great for traveling and out and about at restaurants. Another amazing amazon find was {THREE} Disposable Placemats. I bought these over two years ago and still have one pack left in my bag and we have used these a lot traveling,  They are a disposable placemats that stick to the table, making a clean surface for your baby/toddler to go to town eating on. No need to clean the table before or after, just remove the placemat and mess is gone. Doesn't leave any sticky residue either. I sometimes see a look of relief from the restaurant staff when I pull these bad boys out.

>>>>>Fourth bag we use for toys. We always have a few small trucks and cars. I try to grab the plastic ones because they hurt less when they are inevitable thrown across the plane, restaurant and cars. We also have a few stickers, crayons and other similar items. Although, not until very recently did coloring entertain Anders for more then a minute or two. When traveling in the East Coast last month we were given a small pack of "WikkiStix" {FIVE} instead of the typical crayons and kids menu at a restaurant. They are these slightly sticky colorful sticks that you can make into any shape and build. Anders loved them and was occupied playing with these things for the entire time we were at the restaurant. I love anything that entertains him without getting out the phone or tablet, so they are a win win in our book. Before we left the restaurant I asked the hosted for 5 more of the bags to use for the flight home, which again was another win! When I got home I searched on amazon and found that they have a big WIKKISTIX TRAVELER SET and ordered it immediately.  Other items to add to this bag would be this {FOUR} FatBrain Dimple Toy, that for some reasons keeps little babies and young toddlers brains stimulated and occupied. A good item to grab out of bag and hand over in the car when running errands, etc.

{TWO} Last but not least, the classic Rainbow Beach Ball. This may seem strange but just throw one in your trunk of the car and another in your suitcase, drop one off at the in-laws, or wherever you may be going this summer. It is great for when you are traveling and staying in hotels, etc. Super easy to pack, small enough you can blow up on your own and what baby/toddler doesn't love chasing balls, throwing balls, etc. It's fool proof!