Summer Fling Bag

Thursday, May 23, 2019

How can you call it summer if you haven't purchased your straw, rattan, bamboo what have you natural material bag. You see them all over social media and it seems like everyone lady you follow on insta has one and is showing it off to you.  Some are practical and reasonably priced, some are ridiculously fabulous looking but very impractical and over priced and some are just basic and going to last this summer and then you will toss it out. Am I talking about your summer fling relationship or a freaking bag.... well probably both but lets just focus on your next summer fling bag.


This one will carry all your stuff for you to and from the beach, pool, work, etc. It's practical and worth the extra coin if you want this bag to last just more then one summer BUT if you aren't ready to commit then spend less, have fun and toss it when your done.




You've got some normal sized baggage you need to carry with you. A full wallet, cell, sunglasses, keys, etc but you don't need to bring everything with you everywhere. This bag will also be able to transition into day or night and other seasons if need be. This bag could go the distance yet it is more practical and less showy. These bags are harder to come by because obvious reasons, its hard to make everyone happy.




 This bag is impractical and at the same time the "It" bag of the season. The bag that makes all parents jealous of how free you can travel around with such a little amount of stuff. This bag is your outfit and makes a statement when you take it out on the town. Literally holds nothing but your key, card and cell but who cares cause damn does it look good.