Toddler Lunches

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

More Toddler Eats ideas with some of the lunches I make for Anders preschool days. I usually try to add 2 pieces of something he is avoiding at home because he is always a better eater of new things when I am not around I have noticed. We go by the idea that it take 15 + times for him to actually start eating something new. For a while he wouldn't eat bell peppers and cucumbers but after continuously exposing him to the items he has started to eat them. For example, I will cut up a small bell pepper at dinner give half the pieces to him for his dinner and the take the other half and put it in his Bento Lunch Box for the next school day.
Heart-shaped Almond butter and smashed raspberries  ///  Cheese  ///  Blueberries /// Blackberries ///  Sliced cherry tomatoes ///  Sliced orange pepper  ///  Sliced cucumber 

 Cheese  /// Trader Joe's Multi-grain crackers sandwiches with hummus /// Turkey deli slices  /// Sliced cherry tomatoes  ///  Raisins /// Banana /// Spinach & Agave Granola Bar 

Strawberries, Blackberries, Raspberries  ///  Left-over grilled chicken  /// Blueberries  ///  
 Cubed cheese ///  Veggie Straws