Target Dupes

Monday, March 18, 2019

TARGET continues to up their game in the knock off department. Not placing any judgement on them, I recently purchased a target dupe of my own,  my favorite kiddo summer shoe, Natives.



Last year, I purchased a pair of natives for Anders around this time and within the month he grew out of them. It was very frustrating to have to spend an additional $35 on shoes again one month later. This year, I found a pair at Target that will get the job done just as well as the Natives did. The quality isn't as good obviously, but we could be wearing this pair for 30 days, so we will deal with it.  I will let you know how they last.  Natives has tons of color combinations, styles and quality and Target has a blue pair for boys and a couple of styles for girls.


The price point on these Madewell slides are really great! The quality of all my Madewell items has always been upstanding. So I would be inclined to buy the Madewell ones over the Target, Universal Thread dupes. But in case you are wanting to keep your Spring/Summer shopping bills on the low side this year. The Target ones are super cute and would last the season. 


Target Brand