Currently Obsessed Beauty Products

Thursday, January 31, 2019

The internet is cluttered with different type of eye rejuvenating face mask etc. I finally found one I actually like for numerous reasons.

The SiO Beauty smoothing patch!

> It is super cost effective. Your purchase one set and they are reusable up to 15 times before you need a new one.

> Doctor endorsed medical grade silicone

> Easy to use, just sleep wearing it. 

> Keep the package it comes in to store it properly, clean it with water after every wear,  and don't use other products on your face before you put it on to keep the product clean and last longer.

> You can purchase a 30-60 day subscription and get a discount on the product. They will automatically send you a new one. CLICK HERE for get 20% Off discount on your first order!

> You can also purchase individual products via amazon if you don't want to commit to a subscription yet.  Some people like that and some people its too much commitment, totally understand.

I have only purchased the eye patches but I already used one of them on my forehead so probably getting one of those next, followed by the chest one. My poor husband is soon going to go to bed next to silicone patch woman.