Must Watch "In Vogue: An Editor's Eye" on HBO

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A brillant documentary on the geniuses behind the photo spreads of Vogue... The Fashion Editor's in celebration of Vogue Magazine's 120th Anniversary.

Some of the Majors featured

Polly Mellen, Fashion Editor

"Sometime you just have to take a risk"

"Anything and everything for the picture"- Vera Wang (she was Polly Mellen's assistant in 1971)

Carylne Cerf de Dudzeele, Fashion Director & Editor-at-Large-

I love in the movie she restyles her home in the frame for her interview, she specifically knows where she wants every pillow.

"Style doesn't have a season"..... "Everything is about attitude"....."more is more".....

Camilla Nickerson, Contributing Editor

"fashion to me is a reflection of culture"

Grace Coddington, Creative Director

Anna Wintour, Editor-in-Chief

wanted to show the "trickle up influence" when she took her position as Editor-in-Chief in 1988. Showing that street style was now influencing the designers. Pictured below is the first cover she did as Editor-in-Chief

Watch the Preview Below...

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